Health Benefits
What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a healthful fermented beverage made with tea, (in our case 100% organic & fair trade) usually black or green, sugar, and a kombucha S.C.O.B.Y. (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast).
Kombucha contains multiple species of yeasts and bacteria, plus organic acids, amino acids, active enzymes and polyphenols that the bacteria and yeasts produce.
- LACTIC ACID: Found in Kombucha in its most potent form L-lactic(+). Lactic acid is essential for the digestive system.
- ACETIC ACID: Its main function is to inhibit harmful bacteria. Acetic acid is used as a preservative because of this action. It is also what gives Kombucha that ‘kick’ to its smell and taste.
- MALIC ACID: Is also used in the body’s detoxification process.
- OXALIC ACID: Encourages the cellular production of energy and is a natural preservative.
- GLUCONIC ACID: Is effective against many yeast infections such as Candida and thrush.
- BUTYRIC ACID: Is produced by the yeasts and when working with gluconic acid, might help combat yeast infections such as Candida.
- NUCLEIC ACID: Work with the body aiding healthy cell regeneration.
- ·AMINO ACID: A group of acids which are the building blocks of protein. Your muscular system is made of proteins.
- ENZYMES: Are proteins that act as catalysts, speeding the rate at which biochemical reactions proceed.
Kombucha also contains Vitamin Groups B and C, Beneficial Yeasts and LIVING Bacteria (you know like the stuff in yogurt).
Top 10 Kombucha Benefits:
#1 – Kombucha Improves Your Digestion
Kombucha is a probiotic which contributes to healthy digestive flora in your gut that can help break down foods and absorb the good stuff, while evacuating the bad stuff. Kombucha also is a alkalize forming food when ingested. Kombucha also contains several beneficial organic acids attributed to better digestion.
#2 – Kombucha Helps You Lose Weight
The better we can digest our food (both absorb and evacuate), the better chance we have at losing excess weight. This weight loss is usually experienced only for people that are over weight. In fact we have seen the opposite in people that are under weight, as kombucha will also help these people absorb their food easier. A final thought though on the real reason why so many drinkers have reported weight loss, is that these drinkers are replacing their sugary sodas, coffees, and other soft drinks with Kombucha and water.
#3 – Kombucha Reduces Your Stress Levels
Kombucha made with tea contains the component theanine. Theanine promotes alpha wave (the in the zone waves) production in the brain as well as increases serotonin levels.
#4 – Kombucha Gives You More Energy
Since kombucha is made with tea in addition to the happy relaxed effects of theanine, it also contains the happy "in the zone" effects of caffeine. Typically tea has about a third the amount of caffeine that is found in coffee, and through the fermentation process the amount of caffeine decreases even more, however caffeine does contribute to the reported energy. Kombucha also has a natural supply of Vitamin B6 as well as other B Vitamins. Kombucha also cleanses and detoxes the liver, so another explanation could be that it is not "giving" you energy, but rather "restoring" your body to its natural state, which is an abundant energetic body.
#5 – Kombucha Increases Your Immune System
Words like Immune System and Detox have been over used to cover all bases, but if you are digesting your food better, cleaning out your liver, reducing the amount of sugar intake due to drinking kombucha over soda, juice, etc, lowering your stress levels and getting micro nutrients delivered, you are going to be and feel healthier. It has been said that kombucha drinkers observe that they tend to get sick less during cold and flu season.
#6 – Kombucha Relieves Constipation
Digestion = Poop Easier; Acetic Acids = Pee Easier. BUT – the missing ingredient in both equations is water. In fact water will help all of these reported kombucha benefits. A good rule of thumb is drink equal amounts of water for kombucha. So if you have 16oz of kombucha a day… a rule would be have an additional 16oz of water a day & should be done right after you drink the kombucha.
#7 – Kombucha Cures Your Hangovers
Drinking less is still the best cure for a hangover — BUT, if you drink equal parts kombucha and water, kombucha should help. Kombucha cleanses the liver, it also has glucose and electrolytes which help blood sugar levels for as well as hydration when drank with water!
#8 – Kombucha Cleanses Your Liver
Kombucha contains gluconic acid which continues to break down to caprylic acid a potent anti-fungal and can immensely help those suffering from candida. Gluconic acid also works in the liver, possibly as part of a detoxification pathway and why it is believed Kombucha can help the body detoxify from heavy metals and toxins.
#9 – Kombucha Can Help Heal Eczema
Ingesting kombucha and applying the tea (and/or culture), externally to the skin. When applied to the skin it will act as an astringent cleansing out and balancing oily skin. Drinking kombucha tea will benefit the skin, in my opinion, from the liver cleansing effects.
#10 – Kombucha Strengthens & Restores Hair Color
Though there were some people that claimed kombucha grew back their hair, the majority of people that have noticed Kombucha hair benefits was that kombucha restored their hair color and strengthened their hair. Again, this is from both internal and external use.